
Zimbabwe: 15 000 Sputnik V Doses Arrive

Zimbabwe received 15 000 doses of Sputnik V vaccine from Serbia, a gesture which will go a long way in boosting vaccination of people against Covid-19.

The vaccine was received by Health and Child Care Deputy Minister Dr John Mangwiro at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport yesterday.

“This will go a long way in making sure we continue to succeed in vaccinating our people and this is a good mark towards achieving herd immunity.

“We thank the Serbian government and president and we are going to make sure it is put to good use.

“This is a welcome donation from friendly countries that our vaccination programme is going very well. We encourage all Zimbabweans to continue to get vaccination because that is what has been found to protect people against Covid-19. It’s important that we all get vaccinated.

“People with underlying conditions are also being urged to get vaccinated so they can boost their immune system. Those with underlying conditions like hypertension, sugar, and kidney problems should get vaccinated.

“We also urge people with disabilities to get vaccinated. Schoolchildren aged 14 to 17 should as well get vaccinated.

“President Mnangagwa has provided cash so we get vaccines. We should take advantage of this and get vaccinated in large numbers. In other countries they are already taking about the fourth wave. We want the fourth wave to come when we would have vaccinated most people.”

A second batch of 15 000 doses from Serbia is expected to arrive any time.

Zimbabwe has purchased 12 million vials and so far 9 million does are in the country.

The country also received donations from different countries including China and India and Russia among others.

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