
Nigeria: How Top Designers Collaborate and How You Can Do Same

Sometimes you think about your business as a fashion designer and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the avalanche of challenges that you experience daily. It’s enough to want to throw in the trowel.

On the flip side, however, we can take solace in the fact that there is actually growth, it’s just really slow.

Remember a time when the majority only worked salary jobs only? And only a few entrepreneurs? Now, entrepreneurship has taken over almost completely. Salary paid workers now have several side hustles, whether you went to the university or not

Following our growth theory, the first step of the entrepreneurship process seems to be to want to protect your work, promote your brand-emphasis on ‘your’

You’d aspire to be like those top designers that design the most glamorous pieces of dress stars and such- a noble goal if you ask me.

And if we look around us, and notice the world we live in, not just the human world, the animal world, for instance; the trees, the birds, other creatures. we’d find that they thrive on collaboration.

In fact, if we look even closer, we’ll see that it’s only in unity that perfection can come about.

How does this tie in with fashion design?

Most fashion designers, especially upcoming or even more established than upcoming designers are still stuck in the stage of “soloprenuership” wanting to pull it off on their own, believing it to be possible. It isn’t.

I know this because I was once stuck in that mindset. Not completely free from it even. And after working with the biggest minds in the fashion industry, my mindset has broadened.

Are you finding it difficult to scale your business, to get clients, to make the amount of money you dream of? Even though you are good at what you do and your work is top-notch?

It’s time to try collaborations and perhaps make it your main strategy.

For instance, if your target customers are busy women who work in the corporate world, think of ways you can serve them so completely. Think of the complete ensemble your typical client will wear to work every day, look for other vendors that cater to your clients as well in terms of what your client wears to work daily.

Your ideal client who is a busy woman will not perhaps have time to shop, and will rely heavily on online shopping, and will be overjoyed if she can find it all in one place.

If her daily ensemble is

-Stylish workwear in dark colors.

-Court shoes



-chic handbags

Your goal is to look for vendors that sell court shoes, DIY nails, DIY lashes, handbags

And put together a bundle for this client-give it a fancy name like “Glambition” or “Power woman collection”

Find an influencer who can promote it for you, it won’t be cheap, but since other people are on board, it will reduce the burden reasonably.

You can also do cheaper or lighter bundles. Think of the gazillion pairings and stylings that already come to your mind and the fancy names you will give them all, especially when other people are involved

So when next you get frustrated with sales not moving and bills piling, do not allow your thoughts to be boxed in, in one direction, start researching other vendors who you can collaborate with, and start making smart money moves

To your massive success

Agboola kofoworola is a designer, coach, and consultant

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