
Zimbabwe: “Govt, Business Choke Workers With Slave Wages – Alexander

In a May Day commemorative speech Zimbabwe Confederation of Public Sector Trade Unions President Cecilia Alexander said the “No work no pay” mantra by government means the employer has no workers at heart.

Alexander said Workers have been reduced to penury as they are caught between between a ravaging economy and an unyielding employer.

Mthuku”We are horrified by the attempt to normalize the abnormal by our employers.

The ZCPSTU president accused government and business of connivance to choke workers with slave wages.

The economy has effectively dollarised except for wages and salaries yet government continues to argue that they cannot pay US Dollars adding that the government should at least benchmark salaries to the United States Dollar.

She implored government to engage workers in honest dialogue, “we have forever been promised that things will get better but better has remained a pie in the sky only for those few who can fly”.

Alexander urged the government to speed up the harmonisation of labour laws “Harmonisation will put an end to unilateralism, consultation will be two way and dispute resolution will be guided by the law.”

This year’s festivities were held at the HARARE international conference centre under the theme “Uniting workers for social and economic advancement”.

Alexander paid tribute to frontline workers who have led selflessly for the common good of the citizenry during this Covid 19 crisis.

Alexander led a reflective moment of silence in Honour of all workers who perished due to the Pandemic.

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